Longest Day—Cherry Hill Crossing

I’m always seeking an angle, and I like visiting the familiar places again and again to see a photo I hadn’t made previously

June 21st is the longest day of the year which can be a distinctive time to catch the sun during the early morning and late evening.

On Friday evening Kris, Seamus-the-Dog and I went over to Cherry Hill Road to roll by the 6pm train to Leaman Place.

Over the last year, I’ve photographed this crossing from a variety of angles, and I was looking for something different. So, I walked up the road, which rises sharply after crossing the tracks. The sun had just crossed over to the northside of the line.

Working with my Nikon Z6 with 70-200mm lens I made this sequence of images as the crossing gates came down and former Canadian National 2-6-0 number 89 rolled over the crossing toward Groffs.