How About a View of the Bridge?

New England Central 608 approaches Smith’s Bridge in Monson, Massachusetts on a warm morning in mid-June 2017. FujiFilm X-T1 digital photo.

If you are viewing this Tracking the Light post on Facebook, you’ll really need to click on the post in order to get the full effect of this portrait-oriented image. (Not my fault, Facebook crops!)

Often I photograph from road bridges, yet some bridges make for interesting photos. I hadn’t made a photo from the ground of the Stafford Hollow Road bridge in Monson since the 1980s.

Last month a late running northward freight gave me the opportunity to photograph this unusual old bridge from the northside.

I exposed this view with my FujiFilm XT1 using a Lee 0.9 graduated neutral density filter to hold detail in the sky.

Tracking the Light is on Auto Pilot while Brian is Traveling.

4 comments on “How About a View of the Bridge?

  1. Michael Walsh on said:

    Great picture – it could almost be Ireland in the past – we don’t have too many old bridges like that still in use today.

  2. Hello Mike, most recently I had an exhibition in Springfield, Massachusetts back in January. At the this I don’t have any exhibitions or lectures scheduled in the area. My next talk will be in Cork City, Ireland in October. All the best Brian

  3. Mike Kohut on said:


    I live in Monson, off Silver St. I missed your presentation at Giclee of NE many moons ago and at Tower Square (Valley Photo); do you have any local exhibits planned in the year

    Mike Kohut

  4. John Cannizzaro on said:

    I enjoy mood photos like this one in Monson ,MA Having various
    subjects in a photo does increase the interest.

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