GO Transit, Toronto, February 8, 2010—Daily Post.

Sunlight on a Commuter Train.

It was extraordinarily cold when Pat Yough, Chris Guss and I set out to photograph Toronto’s morning rush hour.

One of the biggest challenges working in very cold weather is the effect on battery life. After a couple of hours, almost all my batteries were dead. We made a mid morning trip back to our hotel to charge batteries.

Toronto bound GO Transit train near Sunnyside on February 8, 2010. I exposed this view on Fujichrome using my Canon EOS 3 with a 200mm lens.
Toronto bound GO Transit train near Sunnyside on February 8, 2010. I exposed this view on Fujichrome using my Canon EOS 3 with a 200mm lens.8

For this photograph, I opted to center the locomotive, while setting it back in the frame. This adds visual tension and draws the eye in.

Bright low sunlight reflecting from the white locomotive front made for a difficult exposure.

Although, I pre-set the camera manually, I continued to make fine adjustments as the train approached. In the last instant before I released the shutter, I stopped down (reduced the exposure) to compensate for the bright front end.

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Tomorrow: Good Friday = Good Luck. Irish Rail’s Sperry train on the move.

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