Fujinon 50-140mm Lens Sample

On September 16, 2019, I was traveling in Germany with my old pal T.S.H.

We’d set up north of Boppard along the River Rhein to photograph the morning parade of trains on the busy ‘Left Bank’ route.

For these photos I borrowed T.S.H.’s 50-140mm Fujinon zoom and fixed it to my Fujifilm XT1 as a test.

These images are scaled from the in-camera Fuji JPGsmade with the camera’s Velvia color profile. These files have not been adjusted in post-processing.

Both images are trailing views of northward train IC 2226 that were exposed from the same vantage point. The first has the zoom set at 50mm, while the second has the zoom set at 140mm.

Fujinon 50-140mm zoom at f5.6 1/500 sec; 50mm setting.
Fujinon 50-140mm zoom at f6.3 1/500 sec; 140mm setting.

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