Elegant Paint at Okayama.

On April 24, 1997, my father and I paid a brief visit to Okayama, Japan, arriving and departing the same day by Shinkansen.

Okayama had a compact two-prong streetcar system with colorfully painted street cars (it seemed that each car was in a different livery).

Traditional colors on this modern boxy car.

Kodachrome in Fuji-land!

I made these photos with my Nikon N90S.

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One comment on “Elegant Paint at Okayama.

  1. Dennis on said:

    I rode these streetcars in 1995 Together with the Swedish Tramway Society Guys. We also hit a lot of other Systems between Tokyo and Nagasaki. There are a lot of them in that region of Japan. We also rode a 1.067 Tilt train. And when we returned to Tokyo from Osaka , the Shinkansen trains left Osaka every 6 minutes with 16 Car Trains,,

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