Brian’s “black and white challenge”

Csorna, Hungary, August 2003.

The sun sets over electrified MAV tracks at Csorna, Hungary in August 2003. Photo by Brian Solomon.
The sun sets over electrified MAV tracks at Csorna, Hungary in August 2003. Photo by Brian Solomon.

In response to Otto Vondrak’s “black and white challenge” on Facebook, I decided to post this black & white image via my blog Tracking the Light ( 

I exposed the image on black & white film using my Rolleiflex Model T and processed it chemically in my sink on Synge Street in Dublin.

I admit, I’m neither clear on the details nor the purpose of the Facebook ‘black & white challenge’, but with more than four decades of black & white negatives in my file, I figured ‘why not’. Suggestions are welcome!

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