Departing New Orleans, I settled in Amtrak’s glass-lined observation lounge.
Here I made photos as we navigated the maze of trackage on both sides of the massive Huey P. Long bridge over the Mississippi River.
More Sunset (Limited) views to follow on Tracking the Light.
Brian Solomon’s Tracking the Light posts daily.
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Exploring the train, gazing out at the rolling panorama and nipping off for moments during station stops allows for snapshots of our journey.
Below are just a few of many views exposed on the way to New Orleans on Amtrak’s Crescent.
Gainesville, Georgia.
Gainesville, Georgia.
Breakfast in the diner.
Georgia-Alabama border.
Station stop at Anniston, Alabama.
Near Anniston, Alabama.
Rolling south on the old Southern Railway toward Birmingham.
Frisco 2-8-2 displayed near Birmingham, Alabama.
Baldwin switcher near Birmingham.
Birmingham, Alabama.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Meridian, Mississippi.
Meridian, Mississippi.
Tracking the Light Posts Daily!
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Railway photography by Brian Solomon